Avoid Mistakes by Picking the Right Caterer for Your Event

Planning an event is a big deal, finding the right caterer for your event shouldn’t be.

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Hiring the right caterer for your event can seem like an endless process. There are so many factors involved when choosing the right one. We can go over some of the questions you will have to ask yourself when hiring a caterer for your event.
Location, Location, Location

If you are looking for a caterer, you probably already have your location picked out. How far away are they from your location? It is not like you will get cold food delivered, more like how familiar with the location. This will help to ensure that everything will be on time and all together.


Event Size

Already you have the number of guests you will be expecting. You will need to make sure that your caterer will be able to provide an adequate experience with the number of guests. This is not just because you will be having 500 people or just 50, they should be able to handle everything.



Depending on the type of event you will be having, you will need to make sure that both of you are on the same page. This way there are no problems in the future. Speaking clearly, in the beginning, will keep this from happening.


Nowadays there are a lot of people with dietary restrictions. Finding a caterer that has flexible menus to choose from is a big help in this department. RX Catering can help you select the right menu for your group. This way you have a better chance of trying to please everyone.

All of the Costs

Find out if the prices that the caterer gives you include everything that you need for your event. This can include delivery, set-up and even take-down. Off-site food preparation can come with unexpected situations. A well-experienced caterer can avoid these situations.

RX Catering is more than just a food preparation company. We offer full service for any of your needs. Not just food and set-up, we can provide all linens and even a wait staff for your event. Along with our network of service providers, your event will be successful.

Call or contact us and we can go over everything with you and offer our recommendations on how to have the perfect corporate event. See why we are one of the most recommended caterers in the Baltimore / DC area. Let us help you get your next event going in the right direction.

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